Marta Cialdea Mayer

Marta Cialdea Mayer is presently Associated Professor at “Università di Roma Tre” (Third University of Rome), where she gives courses on logic and functional programming.

She graduated in Philosophy, with a curriculum in mathematical logic, at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, and obtained a Ph.D. (Nouveau Doctorat) in Computer Science at the University “Paul Sabatier” in Toulouse (France), where she worked on automated deduction for modal logics.

Her main research interests are in automated reasoning and formal methods for knowledge representation in Artificial Intelligence. In particular, she has been concerned with automated methods for abductive reasoning and modal logics, the application of temporal logic as the representation language for planning domains, knowledge representation in intelligent educational systems. The most important theoretical results obtained in such fields are the definition of deduction methods for quantified modal logics, upper bounds for the complexity measure of some modal propositional proof systems, and the logical characterization of the abductive relation. On the applicative side, she has conceived and directed the implementation of the planner Pdk, that has an executable semantics in terms of temporal logic and allows for the specification of heuristic knowledge, of two tableaux provers for hybrid logic and of Logitest, a system supporting the designer of logical multiple choice questions.

She participated to international conferences’ Program Commitees, she was PC chair of the International Conference on Tableaux and Related Methods (2003), she was a member of the Herbrand Award Committee and is presently member of the Tableaux Steering Committee.

Website  (publications and teaching activities)


Office Address

Department of Engineering
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Roma Tre University
Via della Vasca Navale 79, I – 00146 Rome, Italy

Voice:+39 06 5733 3232
Fax:+39 06 5733 3612
Room: DIA 203
Office Hours (students): by appointment
